Did you know a lot of men are afraid to approach the most beautiful women because they don’t want to be rejected and considered “creepy”?
Did you also know that the hottest women you see are the easiest to approach and date because most men feel they’re not good enough for them? That’s right… there’s less competition when it comes to finding drop-dead gorgeous women and by learning how to sexually communicate with them you’ll be able to have beautiful women chasing you!
In a boring world filled with routine there’s a big need (especially with women) to have a man that can be that breath of fresh air. Women are simply fed up with guys approaching them with boring topics like “where do you work?”, “what are you going to school for?” or “the weather is beautiful today huh?”.
Standard boring talk that 99% of our population speaks will never sexually attract a woman… and most men don’t even know it (so you’re already at an advantage for reading this article. The fastest way to make a woman have sexual desires for you is to flirt with her.
If you flirt with a woman correctly…
she will have no other choice but to desire you
she will have fun talking to you
she will never consider you as a “creep” or that you’re “sexually harassing” her so it can be pulled off even in the work place!
she will see it as innocent fun (meanwhile you’re planting sexual thoughts into her mind without her even realizing it)
she will think about you all day! 24/7… heck she might even harass you to go out with her!!!
The best way to flirt with a woman is to tease her and make fun of her (in a cute playful way). The majority of women will respond to this… even if she is older and mature (in fact the more mature the better!)
All women (that’s worth dating) has a void that they need to fill in their life… a man to sweep them off their feet and not have to worry about their day to day problems. Women love playing games and having fun… and oddly enough flirting and being playful probably works best in the work place where everybody is uptight and serious (just don’t do anything that will sacrifice your job, these techniques work everywhere… the gym, the club, the bar, the bookstore, the grocery store etc etc etc… ).
In order to flirt with women start off with playful back-handed compliments like “you have beautiful hair for a short girl” or you can act like you’re opening the door for her and playfully close it on her before she can get in… or for example… when I met my fiance I bought her lunch… but then I threw her pens on the ground and told her she had to pick them up in order to repay me. This was not in hate… it’s all in fun! (besides I bought her lunch… ) it’s bittersweet! and women LOVE it.
Giving women sassy compliments such as my 3 examples above will…
Show women you DON’T need her approval and will prevent you from getting stuck in the friend zone.
She will get it… she will play along and enjoy it… but in the back of her mind she will think “oh my god does he like me? I’m not sure… I hope he likes me.”
It will make her have an undeniable attraction for you and she will always want you in her presence.
This type of sexual communication sends a powerful message to women that you’re capable of pleasing her and you’re in control of your life. You will get responses from women that you never dreamed possible.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8014638